Proofreaders: Gwen, LSL and Red
Drip-drop...and so the story continues. O_o
Chapter 10
I stare dumbly at
the files that has appeared out of nowhere, my mind instantly becoming more of a
mess than it already is. Then the sound comes back as if it thinks I haven’t
had enough.
I really want to break down in tears right
“Don’t come after me…it wasn’t me….” I hug
my head and protest weakly.
I snap around and run back up to the
second floor. I scramble towards the west stairwell as fast as I can. I’m
dashing but I stop in my tracks when I see what’s by the stairwell. Seven
files, laid out in a row, quietly awaiting my arrival as if they always have
I automatically turn to look to the east
to make sure that I haven’t accidentally run back to the east stairwell.
The sound goes off like a bomb in my head,
putting everything else on pause. Flames slowly spread to my body. Every cell
seems to be burning.
I scream at the top of my lungs towards
nothing, “Why’re you after me? I didn’t hurt you! Yuan Fei did! Go after him!
He’s on the third floor! The one you want is on the third floor! Leave me
I fall on my behind and pant heavily, exhausted after all the shouting. I strain my ears only to discover the absence of that
dripping sound. The bone-chilling feeling has not faded, however, and I
actually sense an overwhelming energy building in the air. An alarm goes off in
my head but I don’t know how the danger is going to present itself.
Suddenly, something yanks hard on my leg! I’m sprawled
out on the floor, a bit dizzy, but my leg feels fine. It’s as though my leg
just jerked on its own. I drag myself up slowly and then that something grabs
onto my leg again! This time I can feel the coldness coming from its impossibly
firm grip that is clamping tight onto me like a pair of pliers.
This force whips me along. I claw at the smooth floor
with my nails, trying to stop it but to no prevail. My cracked nails scratch across
the floor, creating a disturbing sound. I wail like a helpless toy being
dragged around by its owner. The extraordinary speed that I’m going at makes me
realise that I will easily be crushed to bits and pieces if I were to collide
with a wall.
I’m guessing its goal is the wall or the windows at
the end of the hallway, killing me by shattering all my bones against it. No,
maybe I wouldn’t die right away but die slowly from internal bleeding from my
organs being pierced by the broken bones, or it will fling me out the window
like a high-speeding car suddenly taken off the road. That way, even a
two-storey fall would become as fatal as falling off a cliff.
The speed is terrifying. I
would have thought I was being dragged by a car if not for the empty space in
front of me. So this is how it feels like to get dragged to death by a
car. It’s so fast I see stars. I can’t fight back.
It would be even worse if that
thing understood physics because it would be instinctively analysing what the
force would be given the mass and velocity right now.
I’m so dead, my brain tells
But it suddenly stops and
flings me away. I somersault in the air like a worn rag towards the stairs.
Then I’m hit. I feel something softer than the wall crashing into me. This
greatly slows me down but I still feel as if my internal organs have all been
displaced. The world spins before my eyes and my body goes numb.
The sound of someone breathing
heavily brings me back to earth. That somebody struggles to get up and feebly
takes me into his arms, extra carefully as if I were in grave condition. I can
feel his arms shaking, not only from fear but also from the incredible impact
of the crash.
“Xiao Yu….”
His voice is so weak. There’s no way he’s
fine after leaping to catch a person propelling through the air and then
falling onto concrete together. He might even be in worse shape than me. Why is
he so stupid, recklessly saving me like that?
Yuan Fei….
I can’t lift my hands, I can’t move my
body and I can’t talk with my body still paralysed from the shock.
Surprisingly, the only things functioning properly are my tear ducts. I stare
dumbly at Yuan Fei’s worried eyes and my tears start trickling down on their
“Dun be afraid…. Dun be afraid…. I’m ’ere.
You’ll be alright.” His voice is quivering so much I can barely make out what
he’s saying.
How much of that is from barely making it
out alive? How much of that is from concern for my wellbeing? And how much of
that is…from the guilt of his own wrongdoings?
“Dun hurt ‘im…. Sun Le, please dun
kill’im…. It’s my fault. It’s all my fault…. Dun kill’im.”
It’s standing on the second floor, quietly
watching the two of us barely breathing. My sensation has begun to come back
and along with it unbearable pain, as if I were pierced all over by spikes. I
taste sweet iron in my mouth. Yuan Fei uses his body to protect me. He’s
breathing sporadically, often only exhaling once after inhaling twice. He
must’ve broken something.
“Dun kill’im…. It’s my fault…. Dun
kill’im,” he pleads agonizingly in a feeble voice, not for himself, but for
someone who was just beating him up.
You’re so petrified that you haven’t even
looked up in the general direction Sun Le is. So why is it that I see sorrow in
your eyes of which I am the cause? Why is it that I am the thing for which
you’re begging for life?
Is it worth it? I was the one who dumped
all the blame on you. I was the one who associated all my suffering with you. I
was the one who condemned you even though I knew you had already been feeling
extremely guilty.
“Dun kill’im…dun kill’im.”
Gradually the dripping fades away. Yuan
Fei is still stuttering, begging in that soft voice of his, getting quieter and
quieter until it disappears. He lifts his head so slowly and painstakingly it
makes my heart ache.
“He…left, I think,” he mutters in
disbelief, as if he had been dreaming.
“I’m…so…rry.” It takes all my efforts to
say those three syllables in a voice so raspy it doesn’t sound like me anymore.
He heaves a sigh, his expression neither a
smile nor a frown. He relaxes and falls onto the ground, panting for air.
“It’s I who should be sorry. It’s all my
He’s holding my hand. We’re so exhausted
that our hands can only lightly overlap each other’s but the touch of reality
somehow brings so much comfort for the soul, as if that space between our palms
was filled with a universe of invisible bonds.
“No….” I have so many things I want to say
but I don’t know where to start.
“It’s all my fault. Everyone’s gonna die
‘cause of me. I screwed up big time. It’s all my fault. I got everyone into
“No….” My tears keep streaming down as
though it’s never going to cease.
“Sorry, Xiao Yu.” He props himself up with
great efforts to wipe them away. “Don’t cry…. It’s my fault…. Don’t cry.”
I reach out for him without much thought,
naturally forming a hug of unparalleled dependence. I snuggle into his arms and
he hugs me tightly.
His shoulder is wet with my tears.
“Don’t apologise.” I choke through my
sobs. “I’m not worth it. I betrayed you. I actually told him to go find you. I
actually told him you were on the third floor. I’m the worst. I sold you out
so I could live. I-.”
“Shhh. Stop talking…just stop talking.”
He lowers his head and plants a light kiss
on my lips. I instinctively hook my arms around his neck and deepen this kiss
because, in this moment, I’m willing to give up my life for this tender act of
Yuan Fei’s. He reciprocates passionately and the entangling of our tongues
ignites my feelings deep within.
He doesn’t despise me but instead holds me
even tighter. I understand in an instant what he had felt when he confessed
everything to me. Right then, what he needed was the unconditional forgiveness
and tolerance that he is giving me now, not more hurtful attacks. It appears
that another person’s reciprocity during a bitter repent gives you the
motivation to live on and jump starts your ashen heart.
I’ve been forgiven. I did such a
despicable thing…and yet I’ve been forgiven.
Yuan Fei…I’m really sorry…. Thank you…so
Our intense kiss lasts for quite some time
and neither of us makes a sound when it ends. We just lie in each other’s arms
quietly feeling the other person’s breaths swirling through the air. I don’t
know how much time has passed when, slowly but surely, our surroundings become
brighter—the sun has begun
to rise.
“…probably won’t come….” He mutters.
“Let’s head back.” I whisper.
We slowly get up using the wall for
support. Only then do we see the seriousness of our injuries. We’re both grazed
all over. My right arm is swollen and my left ankle looks like raised bread.
Yuan Fei’s hands are bloody from getting scraped and there is a large, green
bump on his forehead. We burst out in laughter after taking a look at one
another but immediately yelp from the pain.
I take him by the arm, he takes me by the
shoulders, and the two of us ease our way through the schoolyard not knowing
whether to go to the doctor’s or back to the dorm. Once in a while we run into
some early joggers who stare at us in wonder, some of whom even offers to help
us and inquires about our injuries.
We laugh it off, saying that we were
pulling an all-nighter at a cybercafé when some heated gamers lost a game of CounterStrike and started a fight
and we ended up getting dragged into it. Then we thank them for their offer and
continue our painstaking trek. We are about halfway to the infirmary when we
realise that the school doctor wouldn’t be here this early, so we call that off
and turn back to the dorm.
“Let’s call in later and go get checked
up,” he grunts through clenched teeth.
“Us 308 people don’t need to call in. They
wouldn’t take our attendance anyways,” I say in a self-mocking way.
The special circumstances of 308 has made
it so that we can pay no regard to the rules, attending or skipping class as we
wish, and the teachers would still tell us kindly to ‘take it easy.’”
When we finally make it back to the dorm
building under countless pairs of curious eyes, the caretaker leaps over and
insists on helping us up the stairs. The two of us share an amused look but let
him help. Only then do we realise how damn difficult climbing five flights of
stairs is for a wounded person.
“I’ll let the doc in when he gets here in
a bit.”
I’m touched by the caretaker’s concern and
the discovery that I’ve had a raise in status; the school doctor would come to
me when I’m not feeling well.
“Oh yeah…did anything strange happen last
night? Did you hear any loud noises?” I carefully probe.
Someone must have heard all the banging
and my screaming amid the silent night. It should have caused a disturbance but
we haven’t seen any signs of that this whole time.
“Oh…never mind then.”
It’s easy for me to accept the fact that
everything that happened last night will only be the memories of Yuan Fei and
me. There were only the two of us in that dimension, no other ‘person,’
therefore what happened in the other dimension wouldn’t effect this dimension.
We open the door to our dorm and see Chief
standing in the middle of the room.
I limp over, surprised but delighted.
“Chief! So you came back! You had us worried!”
I only notice something is off when I draw
near. Wu Fan’s eyes are fixed and his lips are pallid and quivering. He’s still
holding the small flashlight and it is still on.
“Chief?” I call worriedly.
“Glass….” His eyes are so blank it
unsettles me. He’s staring out to the front as if he’s seeing the most
terrifying thing in the world. “Glass…broken glass….”
“Chief?” I grab his shoulders and shake
him, and he just sways around like a rag doll. “Chief! What happened?! Chief!”
“Go! Go get help!” Yuan Fei barks at the
dumbstruck caretaker.
Ten minutes or so later, the ambulance comes and takes Chief away. The
doctor originally says that Yuan Fei and I should go to the hospital and get checked
too but the police arrives and stops us to have a few words. Therefore, the
doctor only does a quick look-over and leaves after not finding any serious
Thus the two of us who even has trouble walking get
brought to the Academic Affairs Office. There are at least a dozen or more
officers this time crowding around us in two huddles questioning us. Aside from
them, there is a few more rushing in and out of the room. The number is surprising;
no wonder they say it’s a ‘big case’. The principal, our homeroom teacher and
the Dean of Academic Affairs are the only school staff who could come in but they
are only there to act as hosts, leading the way and making coffee.
“Where were you last night?” An officer asks with a
note pad in hand.
“Pulling an overnighter at a cybercafé,” I answer
“And what about your injuries?”
“A few guys lost a game and started a scuffle at the
cybercafé. We just got dragged into it.” I’m actually pretty good at lying, if
I do say so myself.
She doesn’t look too amused. “We didn’t get any
reports of a fight in this area.”
“Then the owner probably didn’t call the police ‘cause
he didn’t want any complications.”
“Then where is this cybercafé that you went to? What’s
the name?”
I pause for a moment before asking with an innocent
face. “Does it really matter where we go to game?”
“Mr. Xiao Yu, I ask for your cooperation with the
police!” She slightly raises her voice. She is a young officer after all,
losing her cool so fast.
“Alright, alright, I’ll come clean. I actually got in
a fight with Yuan Fei. I only lied ‘cause we’d get punished by the school for
fighting.” I flash a smile at the principal who’s beside me. The officer
doesn’t appear to believe me so I shout to Yuan Fei on the other end, “Yuan
Fei! We got in a fight ‘cause of money problems right?”
I see his head peeping out from behind a mass of
people. “Yeah! You little bastard owes me money!” He purposefully raises his
“Shuddup! You asshole still owe me money! Why the
hell should I pay you back?” I speak in my outside voice as well.
We don’t actually need to talk this loud in the
average-sized room, not to mention our back-and-forth is just so smooth, so by
the time we finish all the officers are watching us warily.
Another older officer who looks like their leader
takes the notes from the female officer and exchanges places with her. He tells
the principal flatly. “Prepare another room. We’ll question them separately.”
Very soon, Yuan Fei is taken out of the
Academic Affairs Room and into some other room, I’m guessing. I can’t help but
feel amused; ‘tis too late splitting us up after we’ve agreed on a story. But I
must be careful dealing with an older police officer. They often get very sneaky after
being on the job for a while, pulling you into their trap at the slightest
“Would you mind if I smoke?” The old
officer asks.
I shrug. “I’m fine with it if the Dean
The Dean quickly replies, “Make yourself
at home.”
“Oh? Then I’ll take a puff too.”
I deliberately glance over at the Dean to see him
looking at me embarrassingly. Damn that feels good. I remember he wrote in my
records for not attending an assembly once in senior high.
“No smoking then.” The officer laughs heartily and
looks to me. “You really can’t stand us, huh, Xiao Yu.”
I smile, not giving him an answer.
He lets out a deep sigh and says lowly. “Xu Ping has
gone missing.”
My heart jerks a little but I lower my head to hide
the distress.
“It appears that the people from Room 308 have gotten
themselves into something. It’s one incident after another….” He pauses before
uttering four words. “Mu Mu is dead.”
My head snaps up and I gape at him.
“We have just received news of it. He was taking the
coach back home and they stopped for a break at a gas station. There were
witnesses who saw Mu Mu go to the washroom with some other passengers but he
didn’t return even when everyone else had.”
I stare fixedly at his moving lips and listen on.
“The bus driver and the attendant didn’t notice the
missing person and it wasn’t until they got to their destination that Mu Mu’s
relatives who went to pick him up found that he wasn’t on the bus. We
eliminated the possibility that he left midway from the fact that his
belongings were still on the vehicle. The local police went to investigate
after they received a report and they found….”
I look on quietly, not pushing him, because it’s
probably some extremely horrifying thing and I’m already desensitized.
It seems like the old officer wanted to string me
along so my calm reaction kind of takes him by surprise but he continues.
“They found one of the stalls in the men’s room locked
from the inside and a burnt odour coming from it, but when they opened it they
didn’t find his corpse.”
I notice he used the word, ‘corpse.’
“There were burn marks present but the strange thing
was only the inside of the stall got burnt. It didn’t spread to anywhere else
and there weren’t any signs of smoke on the ceiling. In other words, it was
like any other fire—the four sides were all black—but the floor and
ceiling were fine, as if the flames were confined at a certain height, even the
smoke too. No one would’ve thought there’d been a fire before opening that
I must admit that my common sense is restricting my
imagination. A washroom stall is ventilated from all sides; you could see
outside when you stand up and the floor when you stoop down. It’s not sealed up
at all. If there was a fire, how could it have possibly only stayed on the
sides and not left marks anywhere else? Was there an invisible shield that
separated the space, keeping the flames in one place?
My lips twitch upwards. Impossible? Nothing is
impossible with that thing’s involvement.
He questions, a bit shocked by my smile. “You don’t
believe me? Do you think I made it up?”
“No, I believe you. Then what? What happened to Mu
He looks at me steadily as if trying to catch
something from my eyes, but my unfeeling self won’t let anything slip.
“There were ashes of clothing and shoes, currently
identified to be Mu Mu’s belongings. There were also lots of fine particles and
hard matter that we need to run tests on in order to find what they are,
including remnants of human teeth…. We believe we’ll be able to determine if
it’s Mu Mu or not from them.
“Clothes, shoes, unknown substances and teeth. What
about flesh? And the bones?” I ask flatly.
“That’s precisely what we’re stuck on, Xiao Yu. The
temperature must’ve been incredibly high for the clothing fibers to have
dissolved to that extent. It wasn’t typical burning. Even if Mu Mu was covered
in gasoline, no, soaked in gasoline, it couldn’t’ve reached the temperatures of
an incinerator in an open space like that. His body was completely dissolved!
No…perhaps it wasn’t him….”
He looks uncomfortable. He doesn’t know how to explain
the scene to me. But I can imagine.
The so-called unknown substances are mostly
carbohydrates, minerals, fat, protein.... Add those together with 65% H2O
and you get a human being.
I remember my chemistry teacher telling us it only
takes a couple of bucks to purchase all the elements that make up a human
being. So little is the physical worth of a human being.
My silence makes his determined expression falter. He
sighs and continues, “To be frank, I don’t have the power to get involved. I’d
get in big trouble if my higher-ups ever found out…. But I must, because my
child might be in danger here.”
Confused, I ask. “And you are?”
“I’m Xu.”
Xu Ping’s father?
“Xiao Yu, I hope you can understand my concerns as a
father. I’ve been urging Xu Ping to come live at home after the first incident
in Room 308 but he told me you aren’t locals, you don’t have anywhere to go, so
he couldn’t abandon you. And now he’s missing…. Every one of you kids is running
into trouble. I don’t know when it’ll be Xu Ping…so if you know anything….” Mr.
Xu’s breath hitches, stopping him mid-sentence. I see him turn his head away,
fighting back the tears, and my heart pains, tears beginning to wet my own
He’s right. Xu Ping could have left a long time ago
but he chose to stay. He was never part of anything from the beginning and yet
he never left us. Such a person has….
A heart-rending image of Xu Ping surfaces before my
eyes and I quickly shut my eyes. I don’t want to think of the horrible sight
because I’m about to burst out in tears.
“The principal’s office….” I softly say.
“Did you…find anything in your office?”
I slowly turn to look at the principal and Mr. Xu also
turns to him with a curious look. A bit caught off guard, the principal
stutters, “N-no, nothing in particular.”
“Did something happen there? Is it related to Xu
Ping’s disappearance?” Mr. Xu pushes.
I’m not sure how to reply. If the room is very
‘normal’…how could I start talking about seeing Xu Ping all cut up and dead as
a doornail?
“Oh right, the janitor found a cell phone in front of
my office but didn’t know whose it was,” the principal mentions.
“Why haven’t you told us before?” Mr. Xu roars.
“I-I didn’t think it’d have anything to do with the
case.” The principal’s face is bloodless.
“Where’s it?!”
“I’ll go get it right now!”
The principal comes back with the cell phone very
soon. I take a quick peek at it—it’s Xu Ping’s cell
“It’s Xu Ping’s phone. I bought it for him.” Mr. Xu’s
voice wavers.
He snatches the phone away and looks back at me after
quickly looking through it. “You are the last one he called with this phone….
What did you talk about?”
What did we talk about? Nothing…because Xu Ping wasn’t
the one who picked up.
“Xiao Yu, tell me what happened! What did Xu Ping say
to you? What was the last thing he said? It doesn’t matter if it was
irrelevant! Just tell me!”
Mr. Xu’s blood-shot eyes are almost popping out of
their sockets. He looks so awful that I feel sorry for him.
“He said….” I mumble. “He said that he was going to
the principal’s room to get our files…to look for any clues.”
“And then?” He urges.
“And then…and then….”
I rack my brains. I realize I can’t tell him the truth
no matter what even though I know I shouldn’t lie to this pathetic father who
is losing sleep because of his son. “And then it got really late so I called
him asking why he hadn’t come back yet. He told me that he’d be back when he
got the files.”
“What else?”
“Nothing…. The call ended there.”
“How?” Mr. Xu points at the phone in a fury. “It says
you talked for five minutes and twenty-four seconds! There’s got to be more!”
I feel my temples throbbing with pain and frown. I
close my eyes and massage them. “Really, there was no more. I couldn’t remember
every single thing even if you made me. Anyways that’s what we talked about.”
He falls quiet, appearing to be considering the
legitimacy of my information.
“Money was the breaking point. Both I and Yuan Fei
have been way too high-strung lately and we needed to let some of that out so
we got in a fight. There’s nothing else to it…. It’s nothing to do with Xu Ping
going missing.”
He ponders on my words before asking, “What about Wu
Fan? Why has he lost his mind all of a sudden?”
“I’ve no idea….” I curl into myself and hold my
painful head. I breathe, “He was like that when Yuan Fei and I got back to the
dorm. The caretaker can testify. I don’t know what happened…. I don’t know.”
“What about the ‘broken glass’ he keeps mentioning?
What does it mean?” He presses.
“I don’t know.”
I bite down, trying to use the pain to escape from the
image of Xu Ping poked full of glass. If I had seen him without any preparation
or watched as he was slaughtered by that thing…would I be in the same state as
It’s rare for people to behave in the same way after
reaching their breaking point. Chief lost his mind. What about me? Maybe I
would wave bloody shards of broken glass around in the air….
“Xiao Yu, are you alright? You don’t look too well.”
“I wanna rest for a bit…I’m wiped….”
I start tipping over as I speak. I guess I must really
look bad because the principal has already rushed out for help. Mr. Xu
hurriedly helps me over to the sofa before leaving to speak to the officers
I feel myself drifting between slumber and alertness,
as if I’m dreaming in my sleep or awake with my eyes wide open. My vision blurs
at times and focuses at others and my skull feels like it’s about to burst open
under pressure from the inside.
I’m just too tired. I’ll get some shut-eye…. Just a
Involuntarily, I shudder, not even able to get up in
“You really are everywhere.”
I murmur with my eyes half-lidded. I try to open them
but they shut on me. Suddenly, I experience a very peculiar feeling. I can’t
feel my body or the softness of the sofa I’m lying on. It’s as though I’ve lost
all sensation. The shapes before me fade out as if someone has put a layer of
gauze over it, showing only rough, clouded outlines.
Slowly, I sit up.
My legs start moving but I can’t feel a thing. My body
moves by itself as though it no longer belongs to me; I can’t control anything.
I should be shrieking with fear and yet it’s as if I don’t even have shrieking
in my dictionary. All I can do is walk like a puppet towards the door with this
There are many officers outside the door. Some are
walking around, others are busy with work, but none of them turn to look at me.
It’s as if I’m transparent. My feet steadily take me out the room. I blankly
watch the sight before my eyes. It’s a bit familiar but also a bit foreign. I
know I’m in one of the buildings in the school but I can’t quite pinpoint which
My feet are still moving, taking me up a flight of
stairs, and then another, and keeps heading up.
I count to myself: one, two, three, four….
I finally know where I am when we reach the seventh
floor. It’s the laboratory building, the tallest building in the school. But my
feet are still taking me up. The door that’s usually locked swings open; it’s
the rooftop.
Students used to be able to come here freely but I
heard it’s been locked up ever since some student committed suicide from here.
Which student was that? I didn’t know because rumours are never detailed
enough. I’ve never heard of the student’s name but somehow I think I know.
That student…was Sun Le.
My sensation comes back the moment I reach the
rooftop. I feel my feet against the cement but I don’t have the power to turn
tails and flee. It’s as though my feet are nailed down to the ground.
It has appeared behind me again and I catch that
pungent smell once again. Then I feel a hand on my back nudging me forward.
Where is it going to push me towards this time?
I walk forward stiffly. My brain is screaming at me to
stop but my legs keep moving forward. I try everything but nothing can stop
these legs of mine.
Are you fucking with me? Why didn’t you just let me
walk to your destination without ever feeling a thing? Why did you have to let
my senses come back all of a sudden? So that I can be filled with dread as I get
closer and closer to your destination?
I know where its destination is. I’ve had my eyes on
it since the moment I stepped onto the roof.
And that would be the edge of the roof. There are
railings but there’s a pipe sticking out to the side. You could easily hurdle
over the railings if you used the pipe, and fall towards the earth.
“I…don’t wanna die.”
Desperately, I say to it as my feet step onto the
And then my feet step forward towards the empty sky
without a moment of hesitation. As I fall from the building, my tears scatter
into the wind.
Sorry, Yuan Fei….
I wanted to be with you until the end. But there’s only you now.
_________________________________Dairytea's comment: Believe it or not, we're nearing the end!? Σ(゜ロ゜;)
ayszhang's comment: I made a serious mistake that I need to correct TAT For some reason, I translated the organ that Cubs died from as liver when it was supposed to be kidney DX!!! Anyways, I have gone back and changed all the livers to kidneys (lol never thought I would ever say that)
Chapter 9

The Water Goes Drip-Drop - English Translation by ayszhang is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Thank you!! XD
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome! :)
Delete2nd!! yay ^^
DeleteWHAT!!!!!!! *shocked*
Deletei.. i can't believe it.. did he really jump off? what the? no way it can't be! he is the one who is telling the story.. it is is logically impossible for Xiao Yu to die!! no way i will never belive it..
i knew it will be sad in the end but i thought that Yuan Fei is the one who is going to die, i prepared for that but not this!!! no way that did not happen.. it must be a dream it just can't be real..
i'll go vry for the rest of the night, but you better not let him die GOT IT?
that author is really pushing his luck,first that weird death of kong linglin who i pretty much don't care about since he didn't live much for me to be attached to him, then Cups.. that was tragic, i cried like i never criend before and then glooms who i realy realy realy love and then MuMu who i find his name cute and also turning chief insane.. that is too much to top it all my expectation about Yuan fri to have something to do with Sun le was true which makes the story way way way tragic.. i still can't believe that glooms died but i am fine with it.. but only that... anyone but Xiao Yu the love of my life!!! (TT^TT) what a miserable life.. sob sob..
ok.. forget my tragedy story up there, it was awesome, exactly that part where Yuan fei and Xiao yu kissed (//o//).. it was cute you know.. and them how they laughed the matter off like nothing happened. Oh and when they were lying to the police and talking about the money hilarious!!!
now the ouder makes sense, almost everything makes sense.. but something's off here, shouldn't glooms be in the principal's office?? from the reaction of the principle i'm starting to think that the principle has something to do with this whole mess..but what? i'm not expectations for the next chapter are nothing at all, the ending made every part of my brain in huge chaos!!!
i can't think staight after that.. i just wish it isn't true.. i'm so down.. so crying...
i didn't lie when i said that that author is pushing his luck, includig the previos deaths and all that mess, also that ending which makes you irritated from all the exitement. Now he once again with that kind of ending >< but not only that he really is killing my Xiao Yu, since he was the one telling the story never have i ever thought that he would die!!! it can't be, it's just impossible.. trying to kill him in that end wasn't a good choice for the author because one i meet him face to face.. i'll make sure i'll cut those hands and rip that little brain of his that dared to kill mu Xiao Yu!!!
he better make him live or else... you know what will happen
(please don't pay attention to that^^ just expressing my depression over that heartbreaking ending of this chapter, no offence i'm just enjoying the story in my own way)
thank you for translating and posting.. i have been waiting for quite a long time for this chapter i can't wait for the remaining 2 as well, thank you again and i'll see in the next chapter of cold sands next week..
and do me a favor andchange the chapter if Xiao Yu is dead in the next chapter(it's a joke thought don't take me siriously)
And there goes another long full of blabbing comment ^^ hehe take your time reading it.. i'm going to posting and see if i broke the record yet or not.. thank you again
OH.. MY.. GOD!!!!
Deletei thought it was long but not to think extent.. guess i didn't only break my previose record but also the novel altogether HAHA it realy is shocking
My goodness. I think you did break your own record!!! *tears of joy* <3 <3
DeleteI can't say too much but I assure you it's a HE!!! Yuan Fei and Xiao Yu!!!
DX It kills me but we can discuss all your theories after the story ends >.<; Or else I'll spoil it! D; Arghh.....
By the way *whispers* I've finished translating the entire novel. It's been sent to the proofreaders so maybe if they get back to me soon I can release the remaining chapters sooner too! :D
yaaay... hope that that happenes i'll be sooooo sooooo sooooooooooo happy.. woow you really work hard don't you? well thank you for your hard work.. it is great to find someone as hardworking as and who takes his job seriously.. thumps up ^^ i'm wheering on you okay*
DeleteThank you~ ^_^ See you next week for Cold Sands!
Deletenooooooooo!! sooooo confused huhu. it says this one has HE but if the lead character is d.e.a.d. how is that happy!????? aaaaaargh!
ReplyDeleteD: it's another cliffhanger alright! Don't look at me. I'm just the translator TAT
DeleteThank you for reading and commenting
to be honest, this is my first time reading a novel under the horror genre but i persevered since i say to myself, it's BL so i can take anything haha! thank you guys for the hard work!
ReplyDeleteIt's not THAT scary though, is it? :S
DeleteBut thank u for going out of your comfort zone for us <3
What? He dies too? This must be only a dream right? Thank you.
ReplyDeleteD; He jumps! Maybe he dies, maybe he doesnt.
DeleteThank you for reading and commenting <3
Ahhhhh....He jumped off.. rather Sun Le made him jump...Wouldn't it be more sensible for Sun Le to kill Yuan Fei so that they can be together in Ghost Heaven???...And a two week wait to find out whether Xiao Yu would still live due to some obscure Bollywood Style twist... (freefall of tears)...Thank you (hic hic sob)
ReplyDeleteRight, Sun Le made him jump. I guess it's kind of like he possessed Xiao Yu's body?
DeleteYou're absolutely right, but there's a reason for choosing Xiao Yu instead and it'll be revealed...soon D; *hides*
PS I've finished translating the entire novel. It's been sent to the proofreaders so maybe if they get back to me soon I can release the remaining chapters sooner too! *squeals*
i have a theory about why Sun Le is chasing Xiao Yu, well it was menchened before that Xiao Yu was wearin Yuan Fei's jacket so he probably is still mixing them together because of that.. and if not then i have no idea
DeleteAt some point in the story, i'm hoping that xiao yu gathers enough courage to look at those files already, considering that sun le has laid them in front of him on several occasions. I guess sun le got tired of waiting for him to get a clue and decided to just push him off the roof. Xu ping and chief are the sleuths and now xu ping is gone huhuhu. But then again if i were in his shoes i'd have jumped off the roof a loooong time ago.
ReplyDeleteHehe *chuckles slyly* I think you'll find some clues as to why Sun Le pushed him off the roof and not something else if you read the previous chapters carefully enough ;D There were clues there!
DeleteAhahahaha i'm such a scaredy-cat that i breezed thru the chapters esp the eerie parts so yeah i probably missed lotsa clues LoLz if i might hazard a guess, sun le may not have killed himself and the 308 boys (minus xiao yu and yuan fei) might have been responsible in that they drugges sun le (which explains the chemical scent around him) and threw him off the roof to make it look like suicide. If that's the case, then the 308 guys would actually be homophobic jerks and sun le is justified in avenging himself... But that's just me. ^_^
ReplyDeletei thought of something similare to your theory.. Sun Le probably killed them because they had something to do with him, i said before that he might still be mistaking Xiao Yu for Yuan Fei but if he isn't i think he just is going to give him more clues as to why and how he died and that's by pushing him off the roof just to show him all the things that happened to him.. also i think that the principle has something to do with the case since he must have found Xu ping in his office or something, he probably hid it or threw it somewhere just to not be suspected but i'm not sure of this theory either.. well we have to wait for the next chapter.. oh and you really don't have to be so scared this is not the type of story that is too terifying.. it mostly inclueds mystery in it so you can read it peacefully.. and if you really are afraid i think it is better to read it in the morning with the lights on and peaple around just in case somethings pops out behinde you!!!!!!!!!! ^^
Deletethankyou for this chapter :D
ReplyDeletethere's no way xiao yu will die rite kkkkk~ maybe yuanfei will appear and save him or smthg like that (pleasesayyespleasepleaseplease *sobs)
You're welcome! :)
DeleteI shall say no such thing >u> You'll just have to wait for ch 11 XD
Oh- my- lord- that last part, could even be called a literal 'cliff-hanger'. =_=
ReplyDeleteAnd dude, so much sorrow and pain in this chapter.
I still cry for Xu Ping. He's one of my fave characters too. QAQ
His killing appeared worst than Mu Mu's as well. Though I don't want any.
Almost there. Thank you. Thank you for playing with my emotions. Thank you so much j/k
But yeah, thanks a lot for this!! =D
Peace out!
Hahah or do you mean cliff-jumper? *crickets chirping*
Yeah their deaths were all so gruesome :S but there's gonna be a surprise in Chapter 11...dun dun dun!!!
You're welcome <3 Thank you for reading and commenting!
I think the next chapter's gonna be a waking up at the hospital chapter.I don't think he dies.Or he might.In which case.....Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!...Or I think that this whole thing might turn out to be a dream?Or not.Or Yuan Fei finally grows a pair and faces this thing head which he'll die too.. :P many ors.. :D
ReplyDeleteOmg hahahhaa so many or's XDD
DeleteOne of those is right XDDDDD
Thank you for reading and commenting!
I wish this would get an early release! Since there are just 2 chapter left!
ReplyDeleteI've finished translating but I'm still waiting for the proofreaders' corrections! :) I might update earlier if I can
DeleteEhm, I'm a bit late this time...Well, this chapter really confused me. Given that the shadow is Sun Le (It's a given right?). I can't understand very well its behaviours. Why it has practically thrown Sunny to Yuan Fei? It can be fooled by the switched jacket one time but not everytime (Or so I think). What exactly is it trying to accomplish making Sunny jump from the school rooftop? What exactly happened to Chief?
ReplyDeleteBy the way The next and last chapter will be the one that will clear every doubt and mistery? If yes, what is it about the afterword then?
Anyway Thank you for your translations!!!
Derp. Yes I'll leave the explaining to chapter 11 and the conclusion. As for the afterword, its just a blurb the author wrote at the end! It's the opposite of a foreword :)