
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Goodbye for now

Dear Readers,

Thank you to all who have offered support and encouragement. We couldn’t have come this far without you.

But today, we bring you sad news. Unfortunately, both admins of this site are not going to be able to invest time on the management of this site and the translation of stories. We will be going on hiatus for an indefinite amount of time to deal with real life matters such as school and work. All projects will be put on hold until further notice.

We apologize for the sudden announcement. We hope to be reunited with you soon.

Chinese BL Translations


  1. Dictator of the UniverseApril 1, 2015 at 3:34 AM

    It's alright. Come back when you can and have time. Thank you all for putting work into this and bringing many people like myself joy every week.

  2. Please tell me this's just a joke on April's Fool Day. If it's not, I... oh I mean we, will miss you very much (and you'll be buried under tons of cheers when coming back) <3

  3. This April's Fools realness got me gasping and clutching my chest, until it slowly sunk in. I will not fall for it!!!! *narrows eyes*

  4. Humm...Are you sure this isn't an April's Fool joke?????

  5. *crack crack* the sound of my heart breacking TT^TT WHyyyyyyyyyyyy ?? tell me whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy???

    ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽ see, i even brought the ungliest crying face i could find to show how ugly i look when i'm crying !!

    *sniff sniff* i really hope that it is just a prank like the comentors before me said, i even forgot that today was april's fool ><

    i really experienced the mp*ost heartbreaking heartbreack ever !! do you know how much i love reading your translations !! do you know how much i was waiting for tomorrow's chapter !! i'm Suuuper heart-broken.

    well weather it is a prank or not (although i hope from the debthest of my heart that it is just a joke) i hope translating stories doesn't affect your life or studies.. and if really is reaaaal , i hope you come back soon cause i'll miss sooo much and i'll be suupeeeer lonely without you guys >< (hysteria!!)

    well, see you soon, i hope TT^TT

  6. Ok, You got me!!! I completely fell for it. You had me screaming "noooooooo!!!!!" till I read April 1 on the top of the post. You little pranksters totally deserve a good spanking by our smexy Murong Yu. No, wait! Perhaps that won't feel like a punishment.. *blinks innocently*. So maybe I should get Lee to beat some reason into you! But he does get along well with rascal brats and he is the first to be up for mischief. Hump, since we readers are done for in any case we admit: we love the roguish and mischievous ones!! Love you guys!

  7. You totally had me, until I remembered that it was April 1st.

  8. Nahiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii (Full on Bollywood style)....and totally bawling my eyes out....and after turning my eyes totally puffy and red.. i saw the date on the phone...thanx for the emotional roller coaster...

  9. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM..... I don't truuuust you.. //narrows eyes

  10. No! No! No! oh gawd, this is an April Fools joke, right? 0_o ;A;

  11. NOOOOOO ;_; is this an April Fool joke? TT
    well,if it's not lucky me i haven't read the last 2 chapters or i'm going to die from curiousness TT

    take your time though ^^ i'll be patient (hopefully)

  12. OmG! heart attack moment much!?? Noooooo!

  13. so sad to hear that, but i appreciate your hard work, thank you
    come back and translate more if you have time

  14. Good Luck and really hope to see you guys soon

  15. Who's the guy with the horse? HanXin come back this very minute!

  16. Happy April Fool's!
    <3 thanks for the support. We will never leave because there are loving readers like you~

  17. >u> we'll be back with ch 25 of CS in half an hour. I'll be waiting for my ton of cheers ;)

  18. *smiles innocently*

    Happy April Fool's!

  19. I was so tempted to reply when I saw your comment yesterday XD

    Where in the world did you find that face?! It's hilarious!

    Happy April Fool's! And I hope we didnt cause too much distress <3
    CS will be posted in half an hour. Cya then

  20. >:) I'll take that spanking from Dr Murong any day!

    Hehe. OvO/ I succeeded~This is actually the first year I pulled a prank on April Fools~

    Anyways CS will be posted in half an hour :D see u soon!

  21. >:) mwahahaha
    Happy April Fool's! CS will be posted in half an hour

  22. *imagines Bollywood scream* XD

    You're welcome. This is my first year doing April Fool's pranks hehe and the results have been pretty amusing ;) sorry for the rollercoaster. CS will be posted in half an hour

  23. Our readers are too smart *smiles back innocently*

  24. ; u ; yesh it is. <333
    CS will be posted in half an hour :)

  25. ^^ no need to be. CS will be posted in half an hour! There might be a surprise too? ;))))

    Happy April Fool's! I hope we didnt scare you too much XD <3

  26. <3333 ; u ;
    Now i feel bad for pulling the prank on you ._____.
    CS will be posted in half an hour. There might be a surprise? ;D

  27. <3333 We've never left. Happy April Fool's!

  28. Dx idk who it is exactly. I just found this pic online
    Han Xin will be back in about ten minutes! :D

  29. Phew...8wipe sweats away.
    What a prank

  30. That sound great hehehe thank you

  31. UGHHH I KNEW IT! but i'm still going to read it next week after my mid term test done XD kkkk~4 chapters all in 1 shot :D

  32. If you wait until thursday you'll have 5 chapters to read >A<

  33. You gave me a freaking heart attack!!!! I hate you *sniff*....nah I love you. :D

  34. We love you too <3

  35. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Love ya <3
